Particle looks magenta
I'm following the tutorial but the particles looks magenta. They also look like that in the play mode. How can I fix that? ![alt text][1] ![alt text][2] [1]: [2]:...
View ArticleAccessing own GameObject
I'm trying to use [SpriteManager][1]. The AddSprite() function asks me to pass a **GameObject** as first parameter, which is the **GameObject** owner of the script that is calling AddSprite(). How can...
View ArticleGet all instances of a prefab
I'm aware of **Object.FindObjectsOfType**, but as far as I know, it only finds built-in types (Material, RigidBody, etc). If not, how can I make to find all objects instances of my owm prefab? I'm also...
View ArticleIsometric camera with Spritemanager
I followed the answer given [here][1], but I'm facing the problem that when I try to move around my **Character**, it disappears. I tried setting the **Far** setting to a high value (**10000**) and yet...
View ArticleFlat transparent shader
I need a shader / material that let me flat paint an object, but using Alpha. This means no lightning is required, just a flat color. I was using **Diffuse**, but seems that it doesn't handle alpha...
View ArticleCreating persistent object in Edit mode
As the documentation for **[EditorUtility.IsPersistent][1]** says:> Returns false if the object lives in the scene. Typically this is a game object or component but it could also be a material that...
View ArticleCheck if folder exists - Unity's way
- We have the **[FileUtil][1]** class that lets you do move, copy, delete operations over files or directories. - We have the **[AssetDatabase][2]** class that lets you create a new folder. - Is there...
View ArticleEditorGUI refresh
I have this **text field** on the **OnGUI** function of an **EditorWindow**: trace.print("This should be " + m_mapName); m_mapName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Map Name", m_mapName); But when I change...
View ArticleIntersection point of mouse with ZX plane
I have worldRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(current.mousePosition); On my **OnSceneGUI** function. How can I get the intersection point of the mouse with the ZX plane? The plane isn't there, it...
View ArticleHollow sphere
Is there any way to create a sphere like the **Collider sphere** in the **editor**? I want to use it to manually adjust params to my object, like *vision range* and *attack range*, which are different....
View ArticleHorizontal Line
Is there a way to draw an horizontal line using EditorGUI / EditorGUILayout? ![alt text][1] [1]:
View ArticleOnSerialize event
Is possible to be told after serialization occurs for objects, in the **Editor**? ---------- I know that **Unity3D** serializes some variables (as described in the [**SerializeField**][1] manual page)....
View ArticleMake GameObject not selectable on Editor Mode
I have a **GameObject** that contains a *child* **GameObject** (which has the mesh information). Whenever I select the visible **GameObject**, the *child* is automatically selected, but I want the...
View ArticleHow to know if a GameObject is a prefab?
I have a a list of objects via [**Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll**][1]. I want to know who are **Prefabs** and who are on scene. [1]:...
View ArticleDetect when project is saved
Is there a built-in function to know when the user press **CTRL+S** or **File->Save** / **File->Save Project**? I found [a workaround][1] to do it with **C#**, but that's from 1 year ago and...
View ArticleAutomatically update prefab instance
When you edit a value on a built-in component (for example a **Trail Renderer**), that value is updated automatically on all instances of that prefab. For example, if I have a **Prefab** called...
View ArticleRefresh single asset
Basically, I need a **[AssetDatabase.Refresh][1]** but which refresh a single Asset. I'm editing an asset with an EditorWindow component, and to reflect the changes I'm calling...
View ArticleFlash export software rendering
I'm having problem with the Flash export function. Seems like in Unity Web Plugin is using Hardware Rendering, but in Flash it is using Software Rendering, making it very slow. I recall reading...
View ArticleThumbnails from assets in an EditorWindow
I was wondering how can I generate **thumbnails** for my **editor** window, like Unity does when **searching**. ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/6384-2013-01-04_155921.png
View ArticleParticle looks magenta
I'm following the tutorial but the particles looks magenta. They also look like that in the play mode. How can I fix that? ![alt text][1] ![alt text][2] [1]: [2]:...
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